general meeting
About the AGM
The general meeting of shareholders is Bokusgruppen’s highest decision-making body, where shareholders exercise their voting rights on key issues such as adopting the income statement and balance sheet, appropriation of the company’s earnings, discharging the Board members and CEO from liability, electing Board members and auditors as well as fees to the Board and auditors.
The AGM is to be held within six months of the end of the financial year. In addition to the AGM, extraordinary general meetings may also be convened. According to the Articles of Association, the AGM is to be convened through a notice in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar (the Official Swedish Gazette) and on the company's website. The notice is to be simultaneously announced in Svenska Dagbladet.
Shareholders who wish to participate in the AGM must be entered into the register maintained by Euroclear six business days ahead of the AGM and register their intention to participate no later than the date stated in the notice convening the AGM. In addition to notifying the company of their intention to participate in the AGM, shareholders whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee through a bank or other nominee must, in order to be entitled to participate in the Meeting, request that their shares be temporarily registered in their own names in the share register maintained by Euroclear. Shareholders should inform their nominees of this well in advance of the record date. Shareholders may attend the AGM in person or through a proxy, and may be accompanied by no more than two assistants.