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Sustainability management

The board and management have the overall responsibility for the sustainability work of Bokusgruppen. The operational sustainability work is led by the Head of Sustainability, who, together with all departments in the organization, implements sustainability work in daily operations.

Governing documents

To provide guidance and ensure that sustainability is implemented operationally in the organisation, around 20 policies have been adopted to provide a governance framework. Some of the policies are the Internal Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, the Supplier and Product Range Policy, and the Information and Insider Policy.

Whistleblowing service

"Bokusgruppen's whistleblowing service is managed by an external party, WhistleB. Through it, both employees and external individuals can anonymously report suspected deviations from our policies or other misconduct.

The whistleblowing service is intended for serious wrongful actions and serves as a complement to regular reporting and providing information about serious misconduct such as financial corruption, severe harassment or discrimination, workplace safety risks, and environmental offenses.

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