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Trading in the Bokusgruppen share commences today on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market

4 Jun, 2021, 08:00

 Regulatory information

Bokusgruppen AB (publ) (“Bokusgruppen”) hereby announces that trading in the Bokusgruppen share on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market commences today under the ticker symbol BOKUS with the ISIN code SE0016074256.

The listing of Bokusgruppen follows the resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting of Volati AB (publ) (“Volati”) on 28 April 2021 to distribute all of Volati’s shares in Bokusgruppen to Volati’s ordinary shareholders. The distribution was effectuated with 1 June 2021 as the record date. The distribution entails that Volati’s former holding in Bokusgruppen (just over 98% of the shares in Bokusgruppen) have been distributed to the ordinary shareholders in Volati. On completion of the distribution, Bokusgruppen will have approximately over 9,000 shareholders.

Maria Edsman, CEO of Bokusgruppen, comments:

– We have reached an important milestone today and at the same time started a new chapter in our continued journey. As a standalone company, we get the best possible conditions to take a more prominent position in the market and increase the growth rate of our digital channels. With our industry experience and solid foundation of strong brands, Bokusgruppen is well equipped to deliver on our strategic plan to create additional value for our shareholders.

Bokusgruppen has prepared a company description (in Swedish only) in conjunction with its listing. The company description is available on The company description does not comprise a prospectus, has not been approved by Finansinspektionen and contains no offer to subscribe for or acquire Bokusgruppen shares or other financial instruments in Sweden or any other jurisdiction.

About Bokusgruppen

Bokusgruppen AB is one of Sweden’s market-leading book retailers which, with three strong and complementary brands – Bokus (online retail), Bokus Play (digital subscription service) and Akademibokhandeln (national network of retail stores and online retail) – reaches a very large share of Sweden’s population. Bokusgruppen offers books in all channels and formats as well as a large and inspirational range of other products to consumers (B2C), companies (B2B) and public-sector operations (B2P). Bokusgruppen’s good profitability, modern and profitable sales channels, improved digital position and broad and loyal customer base leave it well positioned for continued growth.

Bokusgruppen’s two overall market segments are “books” and “other products.” The books market segment can be divided into the following four channels: online bookstore/book clubs, digital subscription services, physical bookstores and grocery retail. The other products market segment includes art supplies, games, toys, planners, gift wrapping and cards. During the 2020 financial year, approximately 80 per cent of Bokusgruppen’s sales revenue came from the books market segment and the remaining 20 per cent from the other products market segment.

Bokusgruppen’s vision is that everyone should experience the joy of reading, every day, with books opening the door to new worlds and providing relaxation, knowledge and inspiration. Based on profitability, Bokusgruppen aims to contribute to a sustainable and democratic society, enabling future generations to have the opportunity to experience the joy of reading.

Bokusgruppen’s Board of Directors has adopted the following financial and other targets*:

  • Net sales growth in digital channels: Annual average net sales growth of 10 per cent a year for the mid- to long term period (three to five years).
  • Net sales growth in physical stores: Sales growth in the physical retail store network is to follow the general economic growth rate.
  • EBITA: EBITA margin of approximately 6 per cent for the mid- to long term (three to five years).
  • Dividend policy: Bokusgruppen strives to provide a stable and gradually increasing dividend while maintaining an efficient capital structure over the long term. When operating cash flow exceeds the need for investments in profitable expansion in the long term and the stipulated targets for Bokusgruppen’s capital structure have been met, the surplus may be distributed to shareholders.

*Bokusgruppen’s financial targets constitutes forward-looking information that is associated with considerable uncertainty. Bokusgruppen cannot guarantee that these targets will be reached or that Bokusgruppen’s actual future financial position and/or performance will not deviate significantly from these financial targets.

Erik Penser Bank AB has served as financial adviser and Gernandt & Danielsson Advokatbyrå AB as legal adviser in connection with the listing of Bokusgruppen.

Certified Adviser
Bokusgruppen’s Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank AB. Contact information: Erik Penser Bank AB, Box 7405, SE-103 91 Stockholm, tel: +46 8 463 83 00, e-mail:

For more information, please contact Maria Edsman, CEO Bokusgruppen, on +46 76 888 26 10 or Alexandra Fröding, Press Contact, on +46 70 775 27 83.

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 08:00 CEST on 4 June 2021.

Bokusgruppen AB (publ) 559025-8637
Box 2100, 103 13 Stockholm, Sweden
Lindhagensgatan 74, plan 8, 112 18 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +46 10-744 10 00
